A while ago, I was shopping at my favorite grocery store, Whole Foods (a.k.a. Whole Paycheck 😂) After I finished shopping, I was walked up to checkout counter and put my groceries on the conveyor belt. With a huge smile, the cashier looked at me. I was expecting him to ask the question I normally get when I check out. "How are you today?" However, it shocked me when he said, "What are you reading?"
This question caught me off guard. I have never had a cashier ask me that before. I was impressed. Although I'm used to the cashiers being cordial, I'd never had anyone ask me that question.
Filled with pride, I told the cashier the book I was reading. It was The Celestine Prophecyby James Redfield. I thought the conversation about the book was over, but no. He decided to go deeper and proceeded to ask me about the book, why I chose it and if I would recommend it to him.
"What! Are you serious? You actually care?" Those were the thoughts that went through my head. The cashier asking these questions was BRILLIANT! First, I wanted to know more about him and who raised him. Secondly, he probably has a list of great books to read. And finally, he learned something new.
Unfortunately, I haven't seen the young man since our encounter but I still think about him and his thirst for knowledge when I check out of the store. Knowledge is power. It is the gateway to our personal and professional development.
Let me ask you the same questions the cashier asked me. "What are you reading?" I'm always looking for a good book to read. Why did you choose that book? Would you recommend it to someone like me?
As for me, I just started reading Change or Die by Alan Deutschman. This book began as a cover story that concludes we all have the ability to change our behavior but we rarely do. I'm interested in learning why transformation is so difficult for people and what can be done to make positive changes. I can say if I'd recommend it because I'm literally on page 2. But if you're interested in my thoughts, leave a comment.
I know everyone does not like reading. I learned that the hard way after I wrote my first book. However, if you're looking for a book, I have two that you may enjoy: The Beautiful Journey: Finding Purpose Through Cancer and The Heart of Radical Caring: A Heart Centered Approach to Transforming Workplace Culture and Driving Revenue. However, if you are that one who doesn't like to read, there are still many ways to learn new information. Here are some suggestions:
- Listen to podcasts. There are a variety of podcasts available. Listen to some that are interesting to you.
- Read newsletters/articles/blogs.
- Take courses. These course can be virtually or online.
- Attend conferences.
- Explore social media.YouTube in one of my favorites to learn new things.
- Socialize with different people. Be curious about their lives. "Learn as many names and as many stories about as many people as possible. It can only make your world bigger and our world better." - Benjamin Hart
- Seek information from others. Reach out to your mentors or experts in the field you're interested in learning about.
Be a lifelong learner. It's important to our continuous development. I truly believe that when we stop growing, we die. We are supposed to continually grow, learn and evolve...and gaining knowledge is easy to do. There's a wealth of information and resources at our disposal.
Remember, knowledge is power...