Photo Credit: The book cover of Viola Davis' memoir, Finding Me (Amazon.com)
April 27. 2022
As a child, I was not that girl who loved reading books. It wasn’t my thing. I was more into television. I loved watching Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers and The Electric Company. That is how I was able to continue learning outside of school. However, during my teen years, there was a cute guy who worked at the neighborhood library. All of a sudden, I wanted to spend my free time there just to look at him. It wasn’t just me, though. All the young girls in the neighborhood would come to see him at the library, too. As I’m writing this, I can’t help but chuckle at the ridiculousness of this. I’m sure he knew how we only came there to watch him put the returned books back on the shelves. Oh, to be young! Nonetheless, this was the beginning of me reading as a hobby. I especially loved romanced novels.
Today, things have changed…somewhat. Yes, I still love reading books about love, but I prefer reading books that will help me develop into a better me. I love learning and I truly believe that once you stop learning, growing and evolving, you die. I'm not ready to die so I look for ways to learn, grow and evolve.
Last week, I went on my Facebook page and asked people to share some of their favorite audiobooks since I have a few extra credits on Audible.com. People sent their suggestions and some of the books I decided to take a chance on. I can’t wait to start listening to the books on the list. As an aside, if you know some great audiobooks, please leave the title in the comment section.
I was excited to learn actor Viola Davis has a new memoir that was released on Tuesday, April 26th. I decided to use one of my credits towards her book, Finding Me. I can’t wait to dive into it. She says, “Finding Me is a deep reflection, a promise, and a love letter of sorts to self.” That's what I feel when I look at the picture of her on the book cover. The intensity in her eyes lets me know she's done a lot of searching to get to the place where she's at currently. To get to the place where she found herself. I can’t wait to listen to her as she narrates the audiobook.
However, in the meantime, I decided to Viola’s recently released interview with Oprah on Netflix. I was blown away with what I learned about her life. I. DID. NOT. KNOW all that she went through in her childhood. No person should have to live like that. I’m not going to spoil the interview but I would recommend you watch it. When I look at Viola Davis I see this inspiring confident, strong, powerful woman. I could’ve never imagined what she had to experience to get to this place. I am in awe of her even more.
One thing that stood out to me what when she said the journey from where you are to your ideal self is rickety if you don’t know how to get there. That’s a word because I find many people don’t know how to get there BECAUSE they don’t even know where “there” is. As a transformational coach, I've noticed this many times with my clients. What about you? Do you know where “there” is for you?
Reflect on the following questions:
✨ Are you ready to live a life you LOVE?
✨ Do you want to discover your true dream or purpose?
✨ Would you like to eliminate fear, doubt, and worry and move toward your goals with confidence?
✨ Do you want to achieve greater results with less effort?
If you answered, "YES" to any of the questions, reach out to me to learn about my coaching programs.