
February 23, 2022

"Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous." - Albert Einstein

The other day, I ran across this phone and was reminded how there are no coincidences. I talked about this in my book, The Beautiful Journey: Finding Purpose Through Cancer. Here’s an excerpt:

"Not too long ago, I was at a professional conference in Atlanta. I met up with a former executive from my company. I needed some advice about my career and the direction it was heading. This is someone whom I hold in high regard. She is an amazing individual and I can’t wait until she decides to write her book. Her story is remarkable, powerful, and truly impactful.

Even though she was preparing to head to the airport to travel back home, she carved out forty-five minutes to meet me for coffee. I was so appreciative for that because I really wanted to pick her brain and get some clarity.

Somehow our conversation turned away from my job and led to my personal life. She began coaching me on the spot. She asked questions that forced me to do some deeper soul-searching. She told me that my purpose was being held hostage. She challenged me to release it and to be bold as I walk in it. Wow. That was intense. I didn’t realize I was in my own way of walking in my purpose. Also, at some point, she told me that she sees me on a big stage. Wow again. I hadn’t had that vision for myself yet.

We also talked about the giraffe and turtle analogy that I mentioned earlier in the book. She told me that because I am a giraffe, I can’t survive trying to be on the same level of the turtles. She was right. God has given me the vision of a giraffe and not the turtle. (I’ll talk about this at another time).

After our conversation, she asked if she could pray for me. Did I mention she’s an ordained minister, too? She prayed that I’d have clarity in my path as I walked in my purpose. By the time the prayer was over, we were both crying. One other thing she prayed was for God to give me an unimaginable sign within a week so I would know I was on the right path. Now, I know God is capable of doing whatever He wants, but I had no idea what this sign was going to be or if I would even recognize it.

I tell you, it wasn’t but three days later my sign appeared. A college friend sent me a picture she had taken off of her TV. It was a picture of me plastered on the screen behind Oprah on her Lifeclass show. I had to laugh. One, because I had seen that particular episode a couple of times and never did I see my photo in the background. Secondly, because I don’t even know how my picture got there. I’m sure I had sent it at some point, but I don’t remember.

I knew that was my sign. That prayer was being answered. God showed me something unimaginable by being there on stage with Oprah. Now, I know it may not have been my stage, but I was on a stage of sorts…with Oprah, of all people. Sometimes it helps for people to share their vision of you that may be bigger than the one you can see for yourself. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for me.

Instead of just growing older, I will continue to grow bolder. I will trust that God will continue to show me the unimaginable while dwelling in the possibilities."

Seeing my picture on stage with Oprah was mind blowing. There was nothing I couldn’t have made that happen the way it did. Nonetheless, I’m grateful for the sign because it’s a reminder that God knows exactly what I need and when I need it. He will continue to do immeasurably more than I could even imagine.

Q: You may use call God by the names the Higher Power, The Universe or something else. Whatever you may call Him, my question to you is, "What has He done for you lately that has blown your mind?"