November 8, 2024
"Believe you can and you're halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt
This past Monday, I posted about my experience attending the Broadway show, The Wiz. It was a phenomenal show! As I watched the performances, I decided to look through a different lens. Instead of looking at them reenact the story with their talents, I was paying attention to the many the lessons in the story and thinking how we can use them in our own lives. Here are seven (7) lessons I was remind of during the play:
- Get into action.Although you may not know the journey ahead of you, you must be willing to take the first step and trust that your steps will be ordered. That comes from the Good Book.
- Don't give up. Even thought obstacles may come your way, but don't give up.
- Be willing to face your fears. You may have to travel the unknown to achieve the goals you have set before you.
- Embrace change. Be okay with being uncomfortable. Sometimes, you have to get out of our comfort zone to grow and be who you are meant to be.
- We don't have to do it alone. Most times, you get further and grow faster when you partner up with someone. When two or more are gathered...
- Diversity matters. People may look differently, act differently, and have different desires than you, but together, you can make great progress in the journey.
- Most importantly, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! Know that all you need is already inside of you.
One more thing, if you have the opportunity to see The Wizon Broadway, do so! It is such a fun show and the musical performances will give you chills.