November 20, 2021 MY SATURDAY AFTERNOON’S THOUGHTS Yesterday’s Rittenhouse verdict was, yet, another reminder as to how divided we are as a country. There were people on social media arguing both sides of the case. There doesn’t seem to be anything brings us to come together anymore. In order to preserve my peace, I took myself off of social media for the rest of the day. I woke up feeling much better, yet, I’m still concerned for this country, for this world. I decided to cheer myself up by putting up my Christmas decorations. While decorating my home for the holiday season, I had put on Mariah Carey’s song, All… Read More
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* THIS IS ESPECIALLY FOR THOSE AFFECTED BY CANCER… Yesterday would’ve been my grandmother’s 105th birthday. Unfortunately, she died last year from complications from COVID-19. It was difficult knowing that of all the other ailments my grandmother faced, it was this coronavirus that would take her out. Even though it was early in the pandemic and most weren’t allowed to see their loved ones during their final days/hours/minutes, I was fortunate to have one last opportunity to see my grandmother after she was put her in hospice care. I knew what was coming. I knew she would decline rapidly once they removed the oxygen supply that was keeping her alive.… Read More
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This past weekend, the United States commemorated the 20th year since the horrific terrorist attack on our country. I can remember that morning as though it was just last year. I was living in New York at the time preparing for a busy day. I was in standing in the mirror, putting on my mascara when I heard the breaking news on my television. “A plane has crashed into the World Trade Center.” I ran to look at the TV and saw the images of damage to the building. As we now know, this was only the beginning of a horrific day. There’s no need to revisit that day because… Read More
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“I AM…two of the most powerful words; for what you put after them shapes your reality.” – Unknown This reminds me of something that I heard Pastor Joel Osteen say once before. He said whatever follows the words I AM, is going to come looking for you. If you say I AM BROKE, guess what, you’ll be broke. If you say I AM A NOBODY, you’ll be a NOBODY. If you say I AM anything, you are inviting it in. Therefore, when I say “I AM BEAUTIFUL,” I’m inviting beauty into my life. When I say “I AM A CHILD OF GOD,” I’m inviting God into my life. So my… Read More
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