I love music. I mean, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE MUSIC. It stirs my soul. It's joyful. Nothing can compare to it, especially when it comes to the smooth, baritone voice of Will Downing. I’m not sure how many of you have heard his voice or are familiar with him but he is amazing. He is a Jazz/R&B musician. I have loved him and his music since 1990. That’s twenty-seven years! That's twenty seven years of attending concerts all over the country. Just recently, I took a road trip to Detroit to see him perform at Chene Park. I would have to say that I’ve probably seen him over twenty times. Did I mention that I’m his BIGGEST fan? Well, I am…in my mind.
Last weekend, he came to town to perform. He was the headliner at a Sweetest Day concert here in Cleveland. I’m not sure how many of you know about Sweetest Day, but it a holiday similar to Valentine’s Day. Anyway, I had already decided I was not going to go see him this time because I had seen him a few months ago. At that time, I realized that I knew his concert inside out, front and backwards. I knew the lineup of the songs. I knew when and how he was going to engage the audience. I pretty much knew everything about the show. However, three days before he was to perform, I had a change of heart. I was listening to some of his older songs and I realized that I couldn’t let this opportunity pass, especially since he was in my hometown. I wanted to see him. I needed to see him. However, I didn’t want to just see him in concert, I wanted to meet him. I wanted to hug him. I wanted to smell him. LOL. Even though I didn’t know how to make that happen, I decided it was worth a try to see if it could. I decided to put myself out there…on social media. I made a video asking (okay, begging) for anyone to help me meet him.
Guess what? It happened. I met him. I hugged him. I smelled him. We took selfies/pictures. We laughed. I left. It was great! After twenty-seven years, it finally happened. I was able to meet him in person, and not only in my dreams. Truly, it was A Dream Fulfilled (which happens to be the title of the first album I bought of his). Now, I know I couldn’t have made this happen by myself because if I could’ve, it would’ve happened already. It would've happened back in late 1990s when he performed with legendary George Duke. However, someone saw my video, who reached out to someone, who knew someone, who knew someone, who knew someone, and I was able to meet him.
You may be thinking I’m one lucky lady. But I tell you, luck didn’t have anything to do with this. This was all orchestrated by the Universe. I’ve been operating in this new space, using the Universal laws to