April 7, 2022
“You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no results.” — Ghandi
Years ago, I was able to cross off a bucket list item. I was able to meet Oprah! Meeting her was one of the 27 experiences that I had written down for myself. Oprah was doing “The Life You Want” tour which was a weekend workshop with herself and some of her top thought leaders. I knew if I wanted to meet Oprah, I needed to be where she was. Instead of just attending the workshop, I chose to participate in the VIP experience. Being a VIP allowed me the opportunity to take a picture with Oprah. How exciting was that going to be! I needed to figure out what I wanted to say to her when we took our picture together. I prepared (and rehearsed) what I wanted to say to her when I had the chance to meet her.
Prior to taking the picture, she stood in front of the audience and mentioned she didn’t want to hear our life stories when she took pictures with us. She said that she understood we all had a story to tell, but she didn’t have all night to listen to them. Dangit!
As it was approaching my turn, I began to think, how can I be ballsy in this situation. I could not let this opportunity pass me by without attempting to have the conversation I wanted to have with Oprah. As I approached Oprah like a little school girl, she did something totally unexpected. She rubbed my hair. Who does that? Oprah…and thank goodness she did because that opened the door for me to have the conversation I wanted to have. She told me she loved my haircut.
“Thanks, Oprah. I love you!” I shared with her how she had inspired me to live my best life. I told her about my battles with cancer and how I would watch the Oprah Winfrey Network as I sat home through surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation. We hugged, we laughed, we gave each other high-five. She told me the world needed to hear my story and that she couldn’t wait until I shared it. How amazing is that!
Fast forward to the present time. Oprah is still part of my vision. Instead of just meeting her, I want to sit down and have a conversation with her. Do I know how that is going to happen? No. But I don't worry about the "how."I trust the Universe has my back and will work it out for me.
...and then Tuesday happened. Take a listen...