February 9, 2022
* 1. firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition
A few years ago, I had created my “bucket list” by writing down 27 experiences I wanted for myself. I spent a lot of time and energy being intentional by selecting items that were aligned with my vision. The beautiful thing about my “bucket list” is that none of the items are easy to do. Each one of them requires me to stretch, grow and rely on a Higher Power. Fortunately, on my last vacation, I was able to cross off one of my “bucket list” items. Well, actually, it wasn't something on my list until a few weeks before it happened.
I love to travel. I love vacationing. It's nothing like being able to vacate from all life's responsibilities and being free to what I love the most...nothing. Wait, is doing nothing really a thing? We are always doing something even when it seems like we're doing nothing. But the nothingness of responsibilities frees me up and allows me to spend time with myself to reflect.
For my last vacation, I decided to go on the Tom Joyner Fantastic Voyage cruise. This cruise was hosted by Tom Joyner, a now retired radio host of the nationally syndicated show, The Tom Joyner Morning Show.While I was making my reservations to secure my spot on the cruise, I saw that Tyler Perry, an actor, director, producer, and screenwriter, was holding auditions for one of his many TV shows and movies. It was only three weeks before the ship sailed and although I didn't have much time to prepare, I thought it would be fun to sign up and try out my acting skills...well, develop some. So, I decided to hit that submit button and go for it. I downloaded the script for the various characters to see which one resonated with me. Afterward, I started telling my people about how I was going to audition for Tyler Perry. I was looking forward to conquering that fear.
It wasn’t until I boarded the cruise ship and made it to my cabin that I realized that I never heard anything about the auditions and when they were going to take place. The only thing I knew was that the final auditions were going to take place on Friday, and this was Sunday. I assumed that information would be in the cabin. Unfortunately, nothing. I ate lunch with a young lady and she mentioned she was auditioning for Tyler Perry, too. She said she received instructions in an email. Although, I wasn't planning to read any emails on this 7-day cruise, I looked through mine. Still, nothing. It was then when I realized that applying to audition didn’t guarantee a spot.
Needless to say, I was sad. I had been looking forward to it. Not because I thought I was going to win, but I knew there wouldn’t even be a chance of winning if I couldn’t participate.
I decided to not give up just yet. I found out the auditions were taking place on Monday. I went to the location to see if I missed something. I was doing my best to be an acting professional.
Me: Excuse me. I want to see if I’m on the list for auditions.
The Sign-in Person: What’s your name?
Me: Andrea Campbell
The Sign-in Person:Let me check. No, I don’t see your name on the list.
Me: 😞
Me: Is there a way to be added?
The Sign-in Person: No, we are fully booked.
Me. 😞
I stood around and watched other people go in and out of their audition. I went back to the Sign-in Person and continued to ask questions. While I was there, I started talking to Claudia Jordan, a former The Price Is Right model, and she asked if I was auditioning. I explained my situation and she said, “Be Persistent.”
I smiled and said, “Thanks.”
Anyone who know me, knows that I don’t let a door close without trying all options. But I appreciated her words and it motivated me even more to make this happen. I asked more questions of The Sign-in Person. After about the 5th or 6th questions, I had just one more question to ask.
Me:Ok, this is my last question.
The Sign-in Person: I doubt it.
Me:You’re probably right.
I asked my last question and Rita (The Sign-in Person) told me to come back the next day and that she’d fit me in because people were canceling. Look at God. Did I mention their were strangers I met on the boat who was praying I got a chance to audition? 😂 Now, I needed to memorize a script. I had a copy because when I signed up online, I received numerous characters to choose from. However, on Day 1 of auditions, when I found out I wasn’t selected to audition, I gave away my scripts (or sides in acting terms)...all but one page. So, I had one person I could be. It was Michelle, Tasha Smith’s character from the Tyler Perry movie, “Why Did I Get Married?”
If anyone has been in the Tom Joyner cruise, you understand there’s no free time, especially to rehearse and memorize. It's a party all day and night. I found myself studying between music concerts, at breakfast and lunch, or anytime I had a free 3 minutes.
That night, the first concert of was The Mighty O’Jays and the Isley Brothers. Those two groups are the soundtrack of my adolescent years. My mom, dad, aunts and uncles would play their music all the time. So I sang along with them on every song. Afterward, I attended more concerts and I'm pretty sure I didn’t go to bed before 2, rather 4 a.m. Did I mention this was party cruise? Don't judge. When I woke up on Tuesday, I didn’t have a voice. “How am I supposed to audition?” I went down to sign in sign in for my audition. I was talking in a loud whisper. I asked Rita if I could go and try to fix my voice with tea and lemon. She said I could come back in 2 hours. First, I decided to take a quick nap and then I got me some hot tea. I was a little better. I didn't sound how I wanted to but it was the best I could do at the time.
After the two hours later, I went back to the audition area and got in line. It was then that I found out that you were supposed to have a headshot. I didn’t know because I never received an email. Nonetheless, I was somewhat prepared because I had copies of my speaker sheet and had changed some stuff around AND I had my business cards which have my face on it. Even on vacation, I was prepared.
It was finally time to audition. I went in, did my best, made myself laugh, made the casting panel laugh, and hoped for the best. I will admit, it was an intimidating process because the stakes were high. I mean who wouldn’t want to act for Tyler Perry? Nonetheless, it was so worth the it. Overall, it was a fun and enjoyable experience. I walked out of the audition super excited because one, it was an awesome opportunity, and secondly, I didn’t allow fear to hold me back.
Although this was a memorable experience, it almost wasn’t. It almost didn’t happen at all. I had to be persistent to make it happen for me. That’s how life works. You may know what you desire but you don’t know how to make it happen. Give it to God and trust the process. I didn’t worry about the HOW. I knew my desire let Him guide me to the right person(s) who could help make it happen.
The lesson I want to leave you with is that you having to be willing to put yourself out there and go for it...whatever you “it” is. Be fearless
This week, I would love for you to think of two things you desire to do, have and/or be but haven't accomplished because obstacles (i.e. fear, self-doubt, procrastination, etc.) got in the way.
In the words of Calvin Coolidge,
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”